Is Buying a Home in Winter a Good Idea? It is in Florida!

According to’s winter homebuyer report, a tight inventory this winter is going to be a tough challenge for buyers because home buyers already feel that lingering conditions from the past home buying season including inventory challenges and all-cash offers will continue to set the tone for the season.
This spring and summer was an unusually healthy season and agents and sellers welcomed the drastic change in market trends. Now that we’re heading into fall and winter, buyers are worried that there won’t be enough inventory for those who need to buy during this time of year. Although the majority of buyers are not looking in the winter, those that do are serious and motivated especially to close on time before the big holiday rush.
After all, nobody likes to move on Christmas.
According to the survey, a quarter of the winter home buyers revealed they’re in the market now because they were unable to find home a during the last home buying season.
But there are advantages to looking for a home in the winter. Sellers are usually more motivated to sell their home in time for spring and buyers will find better prices and less competition this time of year.
The report monitored 1,300 buyers currently looking for a home in their area. 45 percent of those buyers said there was not enough inventory in their area within their current price range. 34 percent said there is just not enough inventory in the market. And 29 percent said that winter weather makes house hunting unpleasant.
Good thing Florida doesn’t really have a very drastic winter season. The weather is always pleasant in the sunshine state.